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Home / Terms / Kayak Use Terms and Condtions
Home / Terms / Kayak Use Terms and Condtions

Kayak Use Terms and Condtions

Every Member Using Kayaks Acknowledges Reading and Agreeing to these Terms & Conditions 

Terms and Conditions for Member Use of Club-owned Kayaks

Members agree to abide by the rules, regulations, and policies of the Nyack Boat Club regarding use of Club-owned kayaks.

Acknowledgment of Risk

Members who choose to use Club-owned kayaks knowingly, willingly, and voluntarily acknowledge the inherent risks associated with such use, and that such use involves risks and dangers including, without limitation, the potential for serious bodily injury (including broken bones, head or neck injuries), sickness and disease (including communicable diseases), trauma, pain & suffering, permanent disability, paralysis and death; loss of or damage to personal property; exposure to extreme conditions and circumstances; accidents involving other boaters; contact or collision with natural or manmade objects; adverse weather conditions; facilities issues and premises conditions; failure of protective equipment; inadequate safety measures; situations beyond the immediate control of the Club; and other undefined, not readily foreseeable and presently unknown risks and dangers (Risks). 

Assumption of Risk

Members understand that the aforementioned Risks may be caused in whole or in part or result directly or indirectly from the negligence of their own actions or inactions, the actions or inactions of other boaters, and voluntarily and knowingly assume all such Risks and responsibility for any damages, liabilities, losses, or expenses that they incur as a result of their use of Club-owned kayaks.

Members who use Kayaks agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Nyack Boat Club against any and all claims for damage (whether personal injury or otherwise) arising from  their use, including use by their minor children, of any of the boats owned by the Nyack Boat Club and utilized to support the use of Kayaks, including kayaks and motorized watercraft.  Members further agree that they are responsible for any damages that they cause to any such boat or its equipment.

Who May Use Kayaks

  1. Only Regular Members and Seasonal Members of Nyack Boat Club (Members) may sign-out and use Club-owned kayaks (Kayaks).  Regular Members include Active, Senior, Provisional and Life members of Nyack Boat Club.  Seasonal members include Special Activity Members. 
  2. Non-members and guests of members may not make use of Kayaks.  Associate and Senior Associate members may not make use of Kayaks.  
  3. The family members of a Regular Member may make use of Kayaks, limits to spouse and children under age 21, subject to the age limitations below.  Only if a Regular Member has enrolled a child age 21 or older as part of his membership, may that child make use of Kayaks. 
  4. All Seasonal Members are individual members only and their family members may not make use of Kayaks.  Except that the Jr Sailor child of a  Junior Sailing Seasonal Member (parent) may use Kayaks when accompanied by the Junior Sailing Seasonal Member, subject to the age restrictions below. 
  5. Only Members (or eligible family members) age 16 or older may use Kayaks unaccompanied.  Children under age 16 may only use Kayaks when accompanied by a Member.  Children under the age of 11 may not use Kayaks.  
  6. Only Members (and eligible family members) who have successfully completed a Kayak Safety Orientation may use Kayaks.  This includes Member children. 

Rules for Use of Kayaks

  1. Kayak users (Paddlers) must use the Clubs online booking system to register/reserve their Kayak use.  Kayaks may only be used on the days and times indicated.  Paddlers must return Kayaks by the scheduled end of their reservation. 
  2. Paddlers are responsible for checking all equipment before and after Kayak use and must report equipment problems to the Club. 
  3. Paddlers are responsible for the safe use of Kayaks and for their own safety.  Paddlers  should review conditions (weather, currents, etc.) and be aware of changing conditions in the course of their use of Kayaks. 
  4. Paddlers must supply their own and wear a life jacket at all times. 
  5. Paddlers must carry a portable VHF radio with them to call for help in case of an emergency.  Hail on VHF Channel 16 in the event of serious injury or risk of same.  Hail NBC Launch on VHF Channel 9 for all other emergencies
  6. Use of the Kayaks is for a maximum of 90 minutes.
  7. Not allowed to land Kayaks anywhere except the boat club.
  8. No swimming from the Kayaks.
  9. Kayaks can only be used while the launch is operating (tin tender service included).
  10. No paddling after sunset.
  11. No paddling if whitecaps or inhospitable sea state exists.
  12. Not allowed to be used for access to a boat in the mooring field.
  13. Children under 16 need to be accompanied by a Member parent/guardian.
  14. No one under the age of 11 may use the kayaks.
  15. Must return to the club and be out of the water at the first sign of thunder and/or lightning. 
  16. If lightning is seen, head directly to shore, land, exit the boat, stay with the boat, and only return to the club once the danger has passed. 
  17. Do NOT drag Kayaks over concrete or asphalt (this rapidly puts holes in the boat).
  18. When finished Paddlers must return the kayak to the designated rack. 
  19. Kayak paddling area: as far east as the last NBC mooring fairway mark (about the last row of moored boats), as far north as Nyack State Beach Park, and as far south as 1000 yards north from the bridge. 

Members may direct questions or report problems to

Last updated 10:02am on 11 September 2024

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