Member Communication: Email, Forums, and Email Group
Club to Members
NBC members receive almost all communications from the club via email to your preferred email address in your Profile. To be sure to receive all club emails, members may want to whitelist the club domain ( in their email spamblocker.
Member to Members (one to many)
The club also provides two ways for individual members to communicate with the entire membership, club Forums and an all-members email group (Google Group). We have an all-members Forum (General Membership) and many special-interest Forums. Likewise, we have an all-members email Group (Nyack Boat Club Members), and various special-interest groups (e.g. for club Fleets).
The General Membership Forum is intended for questions, opinions and debates of matters that are of interest or members as NBC members. Members can always view the Forum archive (all the past discussions in the Forum). Members also choose an email preference for the Forum. You may choose to receive an email notice of every update/post to the Forum, an email digest every few days, or no email notices at all.
The Member email group is intended for quick communication to all members on a variety of topics: club events, lost & found, club emergencies (weather, boat loose), ad hoc gatherings (raising masts), etc. Generally short, quick information sharing and communication. The email group allows members to send an email to that will then forward that email message to the entire group and post the message to the email group archive. Likewise, replies to the email will forward to the entire group and update the post. Members may choose an email preference for the email group: a) receive each email (post), b) receive email digest of 25 posts at a time, c) receive a daily email of abridged posts, d) receive no emails. To view the archive of emails, members must register their email provided for club communications. When logged in to the Member email group, each member may update email preferences. Alternatively, a member may request the club to adjust their email preferences through Contact.
Member to Member (one to one)
The club Member Directory provides for direct messaging to members (member receive an email notice), or the email, phone and physical addresses for all members (subject to individual member privacy settings).
Rules and Moderation
Both the Forum and the Member Group are subject to moderation. The club will monitor the posts and at its discretion may delete posts, move posts, or subject posts/email to prior review, to ensure communications follow the Rules below (and the clubs House & Grounds Rules) and are deemed germane and useful to members.
Rule 1- Be Kind and Courteous. Hate Speech, Bullying, or generally Offensive Conduct will not be tolerated.
Rule 2- No politics except club politics, but always within the bounds of what is courteous. Try to be upbeat and constructive.
Rule 3- Complaints directed at other members are not tolerated.
Rule 4- If you are replying to an email poster with something that just pertains to you (i.e. "I can help with that work party"), please DO NOT hit "REPLY ALL" as it fills other member's inboxes with email not relevant to them.
Rule 5- If you feel compelled to post a reply that is a silly comment, keep it to yourself and save us all the spam.
Last updated 5:17pm on 1 March 2025